Today, well actually yesterday technically was bekah's birthday.It was fun she got to do a lot of fun stuff and I even got a pedicure out of it but I can't help but feel kind of crappy now. It was hard for me to keep a smile on my face today and it was hard for me to have the energy to have fun and tag along to all of my wonderful sister's Birthday activities. I feel like crap, I have for awhile. I feel tired every day, and achey, and angry and bitter. I can't really explain why but I find myself withdrawn and resentful. On the outside I may not act withdrawn or tired or achey but I inside I feel like a mess. Tonight I felt invisible. Maybe I'm just selfish and I got too used to being the spoiled youngest child my whole life but it seems like I used to be totally fine with celebrating my sisters' birthday and giving them attention and now I feel like it's a strain because I feel like I have been invisible for awhile. I don't really think it is any one's fault but my own or maybe it's our circumstances fault but I still resent. Maybe I don't ask for help enough, or maybe I don't complain or demand enough maybe I've been too wrapped up in my own life to be part of the family so now no one notices. I've tried to tell people how I feel, how I've had mood swings, and have been bitter, and sore, and tired, and unmotivated, and depressed hoping that I would be taken seriously enough to be sent to the doctor or asked if I needed help. I mean I have had cyst problems for years and have needed to see the specialist for at least a year. I've dealt with the pain and nausea forever and was sent to the hospital first. I probably sound childish but I can't help but be jealous and hurt that my sister gets to see a specialist first. It's not her fault, she has been pretty sick for a year I do understand I'm just being jealous and petty. But, I'm tired. I just want to be taken seriously. Being the youngest has its downfalls, I'm not taken as seriously until someone wants to lecture me or point out something I do that they may not like or remind me how I'm so young. I love my family but I think right now the way I feel is distancing me from them. I almost feel as if sometimes I'm just a fly on the wall observing my family interact, and observing some robot who is acting as myself try to get attention.
P.s. On a funny note since this may be a bit depressing, my dad and I decided that I should call him Papi from now on. Haha I love his random goofiness.